JY Care
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Effective strategies such as physical distancing, good hand washing, and wearing face masks help reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including its more contagious Delta and Lambda variant. In addition to that, vaccines are also an extra layer of protection to help decrease the severity of symptoms and even decrease the risk of being infected. However,...

As cities and countries around the world expedite vaccination programs to the population, many are becoming fully vaccinated. These initiatives are certainly a step towards reclaiming our lives pre-pandemic. However, before you celebrate and throw away your face masks, researchers and experts warn that we still have to continue wearing them for a little longer,...

Today, science has proven that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets. This means that when a person talks, coughs, or sneezes, the virus may be transmitted in the air. In addition to that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are actual people who are asymptomatic, which means...

Face masks, in general, are scientifically proven to aid in slowing down the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19. Furthermore, face masks, together with other preventive measures such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical distancing, can help in reducing the numbers of infected patients. (Source: Pexels.com) Face masks can be categorized as Surgical or...

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, national governments of countries around the world have followed the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on wearing face masks in public settings so as to reduce the transmission of the infectious SARS-CoV-2. This recommendation is vital for the control of the infection spread because the...

If you think that all masks are made equal, then you are definitely wrong! Not all masks provide the same level of protection that you need with today’s health crisis. While all masks offer some level of protection, understanding what separates medical masks from non-medical masks is a vital consideration, especially when you want to...

Today, safety should be your priority. With the ongoing health crisis, it is a must that you are equipped with the knowledge so that you can protect yourself and your family. There are many ways to prevent being sick these days – one of them is wearing surgical masks. These facial protection are scientifically proven...

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus was detected in China. Since its discovery, it has swiftly spread throughout the world. This novel coronavirus was then named as SARS-CoV-2, and the illness that it causes is termed as COVID-19. Older adults and those with underlying health conditions are most at risk for serious illness which include...

The Covid-19 has halted the world. Other than causing deaths of millions and draining the economy, the pandemic also changed the way our daily life activities go. From being able to enjoy the outside and see the world, we had to stop and stay in our spaces inside our homes. After more than a year...

In times such as when an infectious agent that is transmitted by air causes a pandemic, common sense dictates that we must protect ourselves by all available means. Being under the global health crisis like today, one of the methods tested and approved to bring protection to our lives is through wearing a face mask....