JY CareEnvironmental Policy

JY Care is committed to reducing our impact on the environment and taking action on climate change. We believe that company growth that takes account of environmental impacts is the only way to deliver sustainable returns, as encapsulated in our vision to grow our business, whilst decoupling our environmental footprint from our growth and increasing positive social impact.

Everyone at JY Care has a role to play. This Environmental Policy outlines our individual and shared responsibilities to the environment and is implemented through the environmental pillars of JY Care’s Sustainable Plan which are governed by a team of representatives from JY Care’s Leadership Executive.

This Environmental Policy commits us to

  • full compliance with all applicable legal environmental requirements and our internal
    requirements where specific environmental legislation is non-existent or insufficient;
  • the continual improvement of the environmental performance of our activities,
    products and services and prevention of pollution;
  • the systematic assessment and optimization of environmental impacts in the design of
    new and renovated products;
  • the responsible sourcing of ingredients, packaging materials, and other goods and
    services from suppliers who comply with JY Care’s Supplier Code and demonstrate a
    continual improvement of their environmental performance;
  • environmental awareness training and education for our employees, alongside effective
    communication with employees and recognition of their initiatives and achievements
    towards environmental improvement;
  • proactive long-term engagement and partnerships with stakeholders, including
    regulators, scientists, customers, business partners, civil society organizations, and the
    community, in order to define, evaluate and implement solutions to the complex
    environmental challenges we are facing.

We apply a product life cycle approach involving our partners from suppliers to consumers and beyond.

1. Research and Development

JY Care’s Research and Development department has two primary objectives: to develop new environmentally friendly products and processes and to improve those that already exist. To enhance the incorporation of sustainability into our products, our Sustainable Plan systematically assesses and optimizes the environmental performance across the entire value chain at the earliest stage in the development of new and renovated products.

2. Sourcing of Raw Materials

JY Care sources our raw materials directly from manufacturers. We prefer to use materials that are available locally. We foster environmental sustainability in the supply chain by requesting key vendors to demonstrate compliance with environmental standards and regulations. We also optimize the delivery of raw materials up to the factory.

3. Manufacturing

JY Care tracks and regularly reviews environmental manufacturing metrics at our facilities, including kilowatts of power used per hour, the cubic meter of gas used per hour, and pounds of waste generated. We continually improve our processes and invest in new energy-efficient systems, technology, and equipment to reduce our energy and resource consumption and waste.

JY Care continually seeks ways to reduce waste in a manufacturing facility – from reducing scrap on the manufacturing floor to using less paper. Waste metrics are posted within the facilities to keep team members aware of our progress. And We incorporate environmental sustainability objectives when we build, construct, and renovate facilities.

4. Packaging

The packaging of our products is crucial to prevent waste of resources, guarantee our high-quality standards and inform our consumers. We:

  • optimize the weight and volume of our packaging;
  • lead the development and use of materials from sustainably managed
    renewable resources while considering packaging and product performance
    requirements. Prioritize factors such as energy consumption, exhaust emission,
    and waste management while evaluating package suppliers;
  • support initiatives to recycle or recover energy from used packaging;
  • use recycled materials where there is an environmental benefit, and it is
    appropriate, E.g., choose recyclable and biodegradable cupboards, plastics and
    bubble wraps over regular packaging materials.

5. Distribution

Delivering the products in the highest quality and on time from our factory to customers is a vital part of our business. To continuously enhance efficiency and environmental performance in distribution, we:

  • optimize distribution networks and route planning across all our operations;
  • explore opportunities to improve transportation, e.g., use sea and rail instead of
    the road;
  • expand driver training both from a safety and environmental efficiency
    perspective, use telematics and latest technology on our vehicles where
    practical, and recommend the same to our suppliers.

6. Marketing & Consumer Communication

Marketing is the most fundamental and direct channel of communication to reach our potential consumers every day, everywhere by building trust. As part of building trust, we:

  • integrate environmental sustainability into our products, and brand
    where applicable;
  • help consumers make informed choices through credible, substantiated
  • leverage relevant contact points (e.g. digital, packaging, and point-of-sale) to
    inform consumers of environmental improvements, as well as activities they can
    take when using our products and handling used packaging;
  • support and shape the development of environmental communication best
    practices and standards, working in collaboration with industry, government,
    and public forums;
  • promote content and facts that can raise social awareness on our website and
    social media platforms.

7. Human Resources

We educate all employees to live by JY Care’s corporate business principle on environmental sustainability. We:

  • train all employees on this policy;
  • create conducive workplace conditions that help all employees take personal
    responsibility for protecting the environment by promoting the application of
    this policy to day-to-day activities at the workplace as well as at home;
  • ensure environmental sustainability is covered as part of relevant training,
    workshops, and meetings to raise the commitment of our employees, suppliers,
    business partners, and the community at large;
  • promote responsible corporate behavior and personal awareness towards the
    environment through publishing success stories and recognizing positive
    initiatives to embed these practices within JY Care and the local community.

8. Regulation

We carefully monitor, evaluate and communicate regulatory developments to ensure that they are reflected in our strategies. To promote an effective regulatory system with respect to environmental sustainability, we:

  • engage with regulators and other relevant stakeholders to foster
    environmentally efficient and effective laws and regulations;
  • support internationally recognized standards and voluntary initiatives designed
    to protect the environment;
  • oppose discriminatory measures;
  • favor the harmonization of environmental laws, regulations, and standards in
    order to develop trade and help consumers’ understanding.